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References - Sector/Effector Tags

Sector/Effector Tags

This is based on _SE.TXT and _ST.TXT which are included with the official Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition CD. I've fixed loads of errors, removed inapplicable values, and added much, much more information. This should only be used as a reference. Use the "Advanced FX" section if you're learning these for the first time. SE # and ST # indicate Lo-Tag values for a SectorEffector/Sector Tag respectively. Remember that sprites are "foot-centered" by default: The height of a sprite is determined according to its bottom. Generally, Delay values are measured in tics per second. The game operates at 30 tics per second, hence a Delay value of 30 = 1 second. After some fairly thorough testing, I've found that any effect which is compatible with the GPSpeed sprite, but does not have one assigned to it, appears to operate at a default value equivalent to using a GPSpeed sprite with a value of 256.



Used to rotate a sector around a pivot point.
Hi-Tag : Channel. Set equal to Hi-Tag of SE 1 as pivot point for sector.
Angle : [Down] = Rotate sector around SE 1 (recommended). [Up] = Rotate sector and SE 0 around SE 1.
Comments :
-Set relative alignment (R key) on sector floor/ceiling to make them move with the sector.
-Use GPSpeed Lo-Tag to set rotation speed. The default speed of the effect is equivalent to using a GPSpeed with a value of 256.
-Rotating Sectors can only carry 'active' sprites (and of course the 10 intangible special sprites) without causing issues, and only if the floor's relative alignment is set (with the R key). However, they can also carry 'inactive' sprites so long as the sprites are situated directly on the sector's pivot point.


Used as a pivot point for SE 0.
Hi-Tag : Channel. Set equal to Hi-Tag of all SE 0 using this pivot point.
Angle : [Down] = Rotate clockwise. [Up] = Rotate anticlockwise.


Used to set off an earthquake. During the earthquake, the screen will shake for about 4 seconds, and slopes will raise/lower.
Angle : Determines the direction that the sector will shift during the earthquake. It appears to shift 9 grid spaces on grid size 6.
Comments :
-Must activate with MasterSwitch.
-If there is a slope, then it will flatten at pre-map and raise/lower during the earthquake to a maximum of 3 sloping units (equivalent to 3 [ or ] keypresses).
-Use with SE 33 sprites to spawn debris during earthquakes.
-Any 'inactive' sprites that are placed within an earthquake sector will continue to shake indefinitely after the earthquake has occurred, regardless of relative alignment or position (this issue is not quite as pronounced in EDuke32; sometimes the sprites will only shake in spurts).


Used to create random flashing lights when lights are damaged.
Hi-Tag : Channel. Set equal to Wall Lo-Tag with breakable light texture or Sector Hi-Tag with breakable light texture on the ceiling.
Shade : Set SE shade to when light is on. Set sector shade to when light is off.
Palette : Flickering light palettes are swapped. Set SE palette to when light is off. Set sector palette to when light is on. The wall palettes will be permanent.
Comments :
-Wall lights only work on a solid (non-masked) two-sided wall. This effect technically works with hittable masked walls, but the texture won't "break" when shot.
-Lights do not always flash after being destroyed.
-Can be used with SE 12 (light switch) until the lights are damaged.


Used to make a sector randomly flash in brightness.
Hi-Tag : RandomFlashNumber.
Shade : Set SE shade to when light is on. Set sector shade to when light is off.
Palette : Flickering light palettes are swapped. Set SE palette to when light is off. Set sector palette to when light is on.
Comments :
-Make RandomFlashNumber unique for separate lights.


It's some kind of sporadic turret which fires a stream of harmless laser shots. It needs Locators or there's no telling what it will do. Place Locators as you might for a Subway Vehicle. They must be numbered sequentially (starting with 0), but they can be placed anywhere provided that they're all in the same sector. In the game, the turret is attracted to the player and it will jump to the Locator nearest the player's position. Basically, it follows you around until it has no more Locators near you. It's a good idea to keep the Locators away from walls, because this thing finds its own wonky pathway to the nearest one. During its movement, the ceiling flashes black randomly (probably a glitch). I also noticed that the laser shot stream's arc is relative to the distance of the player. The closer the player, the higher the arc. If the player moves far enough away, the lasers stop entirely. This effect is referred to as a "boss creature" in the source code.


Moves along a track. Can be used with SE 14 for multiple Subway Cars. Locator sprites define the track pathway order.
Hi-Tag : Set equal to first Locator Lo-Tag to visit.
Sector Hi-Tag : Engine number. All nested sectors within the vehicle sector must have same Hi-Tag.
Angle : Set to indicate the front of the vehicle.
Comments :
-Set relative alignment (R key) on vehicle floor/ceiling to make them move with the vehicle.
-The Subway Vehicle sound effect (sound #75) is automatic. Use MusicAndSFX to replace the default sound effect (Lo-Tag = Automatic moving sound). The MusicAndSFX sprite does not need to placed in trailing cars, only in the Subway Engine. It must be placed within the same sector as the SE 6 in order to work. This is the only instance I am aware of in which a MusicAndSFX sprite with a Lo-Tag of 0 will actually cause an effect to play the KICK_HIT sound effect.
-Use GPSpeed Lo-Tag to set rate of motion. This seems to affect the Locator pause time. It also disables the sound effects if the value is any less than 65. The default speed of the effect is equivalent to using a GPSpeed with a value of 256.
-If a GPSpeed sprite is used in the Subway Engine, the trailing cars will automatically run at the same speed.
-If a Locator has a Hi-Tag of 1, the engine and trailing cars will pause at that Locator for approximately 5 seconds. The engine will move slightly faster than the trailing cars, so it is strongly recommended to have at least one 'pause' Locator if you are using trailing cars.
-A Subway Vehicle with a parallaxed floor or ceiling will not play sound effects.
-A Subway Vehicle with a parallaxed floor will fire rockets at the player. Assign the parallaxed floor a palette value greater than 0 to nullify this effect. If there are parallaxed trailing cars as well, each of them will also fire rockets. Anytime a vehicle pauses at a Locator, the firing of rockets ceases until the pause is over.
-All Subway Vehicles must start in the track sector, and the track cannot be split into multiple sectors. The track sector is still allowed to be complex, the important thing is that all of the Locators are contained within the same sector.
-All nested sectors must be contained within a single bounding sector containing the SE. The nested sectors must not interfere with the bounding sector's bordering walls, i.e. Do not split the bounding sector into multiple parts. Check the original maps for examples.
-Sprites will only move with a vehicle if they are within the bounding sector containing the SE. Subway Vehicles can only carry 'active' sprites (and of course the 10 intangible special sprites) without causing issues.
-Vehicles cannot move up or down slopes.
-You cannot place Recon Patrol Vehicles and Subway Vehicles/Two-Way Trains in the same map.


Used as teleporter or submergible water effect.
Hi-Tag : Channel. Set equal to one other SE 7 (or SE 23) as transport destination.
Sector Lo-Tag : [0] = Teleporter. [1] = Above-water sector. [2] = Below-water sector.
Angle : Determines which direction the player will be facing upon exiting the teleporter. Has no effect on submergible water and silent teleporters.
Palette : [0] = Standard. [>0] = Teleporter won't play SFX or flash when used.
Water Palette : [0] = Water. [8] = Slime.
Comments :
-If the SE sprite is not touching the floor, then the teleporter becomes 'silent' and you will only teleport when Duke's waist is at the same height as the SE sprite.
-Standard teleporters do not have to be the same size or shape.
-Silent teleporter sectors must be exactly the same size, shape, texture, etc. This ensures that the player will not notice the teleportation. Place the SE sprites at the exact same location in each sector.
-Submergible water sectors must be exactly the same size and shape, and the two SE 7 sprites must be at the exact same location in each sector.
-To make actual slime, replace the water textures with FLOORSLIME (#200). Technically, you only need to do this to the below-water sector's ceiling, but you should also replace the above-water sector's floor texture for consistency.
-Don't place toilets or urinals underwater. After using them, you cannot resurface!
-These effects are compatible with an ActivatorLocked.
-Standard/One-Way Teleporters allow "telefragging" of other players who happen to be within the destination sector at the time of teleportation, whether or not they are touching the floor of the sector. The destination sector(s) should be reasonably small to avoid unintentional telefragging accidents.
-A standard teleporter will impose a delay on objects attempting to pass through it in quick succession, including projectiles. A player's movement will also be momentarily halted after using this type of teleporter.
-A silent teleporter/submergible water teleporter will not impose a delay on objects attempting to pass through it in quick succession. A player's movement will not be momentarily halted after passing through this type of teleporter. The motion is continuous, which helps to suppress any suspicions of teleportation from the player.
-To create a one-way teleporter in version 1.3d of the game, simply construct a standard teleporter, then submerge one of its SE sprites at least half-way (2 units) into the ground (use PGDN, not the C key). Aside from being unidirectional, standard teleporter behaviour will still apply. Because this trick makes use of a standard teleporter for entry, this type of teleporter will impose a delay on objects attempting to pass through it in quick succession, including projectiles. A player's movement will also be momentarily halted after using this type of teleporter.
-The teleporter effect attempts to teleport to another SE 7/SE 23 of equal Channel value with the lowest sprite number (i.e. oldest sprite by order of placement). This allows for some interesting technical effects, such as directing multiple teleporters to the same destination teleporter, or creating a submergible water effect with two completely separate above-water sectors. The latter trick requires that the SE 7 with the lowest sprite number (i.e. oldest by order of placement) be placed in the below-water sector, and that the SE 7 with the highest sprite number (i.e. newest by order of placement) be placed in the initial above-water sector. This trick will only work once, after which the alternative above-water sector becomes the standard destination.


Used to light up a room when a door is opened.
Hi-Tag : Channel. Set equal to all other SE 8 used together.
Sector Lo-Tag : Use any door which raises the ceiling (such as ST 20).
Shade : Set SE shade to when light is on. Set sector shade to when light is off.
Palette : The palette of the sectors will be permanent.
Comments :
-An SE 8 with equal Hi-Tag must be in the door sector.
-Use MusicAndSFX for sound (Hi-Tag = Stop sound, Lo-Tag = Start sound).
-Compatible with Activator, ActivatorLocked, and MasterSwitch.
-This SE seems to activate with other effects as well (SE 31, 32, etc).
-The shade of the floor, walls, and ceiling in the sector are adjusted relative to their individual shades in the map.
-Technically compatible with GPSpeed, but it causes timing problems with the lighting. The default speed of the effect is equivalent to using a GPSpeed with a value of 256.


Used to light up a room when a door is closed.
Hi-Tag : Channel. Set equal to all other SE 9 used together.
Sector Lo-Tag : Use any door which raises the ceiling (such as ST 20).
Shade : Set SE shade to when light is on. Set sector shade to when light is off.
Palette : The palette of the sectors will be permanent.
Comments :
-An SE 9 with equal Hi-Tag must be in the door sector.
-Texture the door with lights and make it initially open.
-The height of the SE determines the door's closing height.
-Use MusicAndSFX for sound (Hi-Tag = Stop sound, Lo-Tag = Start sound).
-Compatible with Activator, ActivatorLocked, and MasterSwitch.
-This SE seems to activate with other effects as well (SE 31, 32, etc).
-The shade of the floor, walls, and ceiling in the sector are adjusted relative to their individual shades in the map.
-Technically compatible with GPSpeed, but it causes timing problems with the lighting. The default speed of the effect is equivalent to using a GPSpeed with a value of 256.


Used to automatically close an open door after a specified delay.
Hi-Tag : Delay until door closes (a value of 30 = 1 second).
Sector Lo-Tag : Any door ST except Sliding doors and Star Trek doors.
Comments :
-If you use this effect with Sliding Doors or Star Trek Doors, they will open and close automatically forever. This effect is compatible with many other effects as well, including the Two-Way Train! Most of the other compatible effects will also automatically activate forever. Some of them will not function as expected.
-If the delay time is too short, the door will close before it has finished opening all the way, unless it is linked to other effects as described in the following point.
-This effect works by triggering both the Sector Lo-Tag function, and any Activator sprites within the sector, after the set delay. It is designed this way to ensure that the door will close even if it is controlled by an Activator (linked to a switch or Touchplate). Because of this, it is possible to link other Activators (with separate Channel values) within an Activator-controlled door sector to any Activator-compatible effect. The effect will then be triggered after the door's auto-close delay time has passed. The delay value should allow enough time for the door to fully open, otherwise the effect seems to trigger multiple times (once for each time the set delay has elapsed, then one last time when the door has fully opened). This probably happens to ensure that the door closes regardless of the delay value (i.e. it keeps trying until the door actually closes). The door sector can begin in either the 'closed' or 'open' position. If the door begins in the 'open' position, it will activate itself automatically after the set delay. If the door begins in the 'closed' position, it must first be activated with a switch or Touchplate. You can shrink the door sector and hide it outside of the player boundaries, but if it is a vertical door, there must be an 'open' sector attached to it or else the door will be unable to open (and thus unable to auto-close and trigger the Activators). A MasterSwitch can be used to initially open the door, but the auto-close effect will not trigger MasterSwitch sprites in the door sector.


The hinge of a swinging door which rotates 90 degrees to open.
Hi-Tag : Channel. Set equal to any other SE 11 to activate together. Otherwise use a unique value.
Sector Lo-Tag : 23
Angle : [Down] = Clockwise. [Up] = Anticlockwise.
Comments :
-Set relative alignment (R key) on sector floor/ceiling to make them move with the door.
-Use GPSpeed Lo-Tag to set opening speed. Note that some values cause the door to open wider than 90 degrees and malfunction. It is unclear exactly which values cause this to happen. However, it seems that values which are powers of 2 are always safe to use, such as: 8 (minimum), 16, 32, 64, 128, etc. The default speed of the effect is equivalent to using a GPSpeed with a value of 256.
-Use MusicAndSFX for sound (Hi-Tag = Close sound, Lo-Tag = Open sound).
-Compatible with Activator, ActivatorLocked, and MasterSwitch.


Lights up a sector when activated with a switch.
Hi-Tag : Channel. Set equal to all other SE 12 used together, as well as the switch Lo-Tag to be activated by.
Shade : Set SE shade to when light is on. Set sector shade to when light is off.
Palette : Set SE palette to when light is on. Set sector palette to when light is off. The sector palette will only show if the light is initially off, and will be disabled after the light effect has been toggled.
Comments :
-The switch's initial status determines whether the light will initially be on or off (an active switch sprite means on, and vice versa).
-If a breakable light texture is used on the ceiling, the lights will be disabled if they are damaged.
-This effect is not compatible with Touchplates.
-Turning the light on forces everything in the sector to match the SE palette, but only the floor and sprites will match the SE shade, while the walls and ceiling are adjusted relative to their shades in the map. Turning the light off forces everything in the sector except the ceiling to match the floor's shade, while the ceiling reverts to the shade it has in the map. Essentially this means that walls will be forced to match the floor shade after toggling the light off once, while the ceiling will always be adjusted relative to its shade in the map.


Used to blow apart walls or ceilings/floors.
Hi-Tag : Channel. Set equal to CRACK/FIREEXT, or SEENINE/OOZFILTER to be activated by.
Angle : [Up] = Ceiling and floor come together at pre-map. [Down] = Only the ceiling or the floor matches height with the SE depending on which is closest.
Shade : Determines the shade of a parallaxed explodable ceiling sector after the ceiling has exploded. The parallaxed ceiling itself seems to revert to shade 0 regardless of circumstances. Usually this attribute should be left unused.
Comments :
-Multiple SE 13 Hi-Tags can be linked to activate simultaneously.
-Optionally, place SEENINE/OOZFILTER sprites tagged [Channel,DelayExplosion] anywhere you want. Shrink them x-wise completely (technically an xrepeat value of less than or equal to 8) to make them intangible in the game. If they will be intangible, raise them to the height at which you want them to explode. For DelayExplosion, a value of 30 = 1 second. An intangible explosive requires a Lo-Tag value or else it will not visibly or audibly explode (although it will still shake the screen, spawn debris, and activate SE 13 effects as usual). It is also recommended to assign time-delay Lo-Tag values to linked tangible explosives, because in the case of multiple tangible explosives, only the one with the largest sprite number will visibly and audibly explode.
-SEENINE/OOZFILTER sprites can be linked together by Hi-Tag, so that triggering one of them will trigger all of them. They can also be activated by a CRACK/FIREEXT Hi-Tag, but not the other way around (unless the explosive is physically placed close enough to the CRACK/FIREEXT to set it off when destroyed, but this would be redundant since the same could be done with any untagged explosive).
-If the ceiling is parallaxed, then the texture will be replaced at pre-map with the attributes of the nearest non-parallaxed texture. When it explodes, the texture will revert back to the parallaxed sky. You must have the same texture parallaxed somewhere else in the map (and even that doesn't guarantee this will work). There also must be a SEENINE/OOZFILTER within the sector (tangible or intangible). If the ceiling is parallaxed, the shade of the entire sector (except the parallaxed ceiling itself) is always reverted to the shade of the SE (usually 0) after the explosion. The parallaxed ceiling itself seems to revert to shade 0 regardless of circumstances. The parallax effect doesn't work with explodable floors.


Used as an additional car for a Subway Engine (SE 6). Referred to as a caboose in the source code.
Hi-Tag : Set equal to SE 6 Hi-Tag.
Sector Hi-Tag : Set equal to Subway Engine. All nested sectors within the vehicle sector must be equal as well.
Angle : Set to indicate the front of the vehicle.
Comments :
-If a GPSpeed sprite is used in the Subway Engine, the trailing cars will automatically run at the same speed.
-Check SE 6 for more information.


Used as a door which slides into the wall when opened.
Hi-Tag : Channel. Set equal to other doors to be opened at the same time. Otherwise use a unique value.
Sector Lo-Tag : 25
Angle : Set to direction that door closes.
Comments :
-GPSpeed Lo-Tag sets distance to open (512 = Largest grid square). The default distance of the effect is equivalent to using a GPSpeed with a value of 256.
-Use MusicAndSFX for sound (Hi-Tag = Stop sound, Lo-Tag = Start sound).
-Compatible with Activator, ActivatorLocked, and MasterSwitch.


The sector will be skewed very slightly and the ceiling raises or lowers maybe 1/8 of a unit. Referred to as "that rotating blocker reactor thing" in the source code.


Used as an elevator that transports from one elevator shaft to another to simulate a true floor-over-floor elevator.
Hi-Tag : Channel. Set equal to one other SE 17 as transport destination.
Sector Lo-Tag : 15
Sector Hi-Tag : [0] = Bottom floor. [1] = Top floor.
Shade : The darker SE 17 indicates the starting floor for the elevator. The SE must be at least shade 17 or darker (they are pitch black in the official maps), or else the elevator will start on both floors simultaneously and will not function correctly. It's best to just leave the other SE unshaded: Only one SE should be darker than shade 16, otherwise the elevator may choose a different starting floor regardless of SE shades.
Comments :
-Top and Bottom floors must be physically built at proper height differences.
-Both elevators must be exactly the same size and shape (and should be the same shade, texture, alignment, etc).
-Both SE 17 must be in the exact same position in each elevator.
-Maximum of 2 floors.
-Sound effects are set automatically. A MusicAndSFX sprite will have no effect.
-A player's movement will not be momentarily halted after passing through this type of teleporter. The motion is continuous, which helps to suppress any suspicions of teleportation from the player.
-If a player begins a map touching an elevator sector floor, the elevator will be automatically triggered.
-Technically compatible with GPSpeed, but both elevator sectors must share the same speed values or problems will occur. The default speed of the effect is equivalent to using a GPSpeed with a value of 256.
-Transport Elevators depend on an adjacent sector's ceiling height in order to determine the height at which to teleport. For this reason, you should not use any effects that change the ceiling height of a sector adjacent to a Transport Elevator. The original map designers made this mistake in E2L1.MAP: "Spaceport", which only works correctly by luck/coincidence.
-There is a bug with the Transport Elevator effect that causes it to "eat" the height range between its destinations one Z-unit at a time. Eventually it will eat the entire range, until it is teleporting between the destinations instantaneously, and then the elevator will take one last trip in the wrong direction for all eternity. If you've ever wondered why the Transport Elevators in the game travel such ridiculously long distances, this is why. Constructing an extra long distance between the destinations will ensure that the player will virtually never encounter this bug.


Used as floor or ceiling which raises/falls incrementally per activation.
Hi-Tag : Set to number of Z-units to move per activation.
Angle : [Up] = Floor will move incrementally. [Down] = Ceiling will move incrementally.
Palette : [0] = Start at set height. [>0] = Start at SE sprite height.
Comments :
-Must be used with Activator.
-Using with a GPSpeed Lo-Tag affects the number of units moved per activation. This makes it possible to move incrementally by a fraction of a unit. The default speed of the effect is equivalent to using a GPSpeed with a value of 256.


Used to drop the ceiling when an explosion is detected within the sector. This effect was not used in the game. The intended usage for this effect was probably to seal a window after it has been destroyed by an explosion.
Hi-Tag : Channel. Set equal to other SE 19 to activate simultaneously.
Comments :
-The game does not check when a shot or object passes through the sector.
-Displays message "unlocked" when triggered.
-Use GPSpeed Lo-Tag to set falling rate. The default speed of the effect is equivalent to using a GPSpeed with a value of 256.
-If any of the sector's walls are using the invisible forcefield effect (i.e. a BIGFORCE (#230) overtile), it will be disabled (on both sides of the wall) when an explosion is detected within the sector. In the official maps, invisible forcefields are most commonly used to protect the player from venturing into lethal space sectors. With that in mind, the true intention for this effect becomes clear; It creates the illusion that an invisible forcefield can be destroyed by an explosive blast, and given that context, the ceiling would appear to be closing in order to seal the vacuum of outer space.


Used to stretch or shrink a sector when activated. This effect has a very strange quirk: All of the effect sprites placed within the sector have to be in close proximity to the SE, otherwise a sector which shrinks will not stretch back again. This happens because the SE acts as sort of a "carrier" for the other sprites. If they are placed too far away from the SE, the sector will shrink until the sprites are no longer technically 'in' the sector, hence it will no longer have the information it needs to continue functioning.
Sector Lo-Tag : 27
Angle : Set to direction to initially stretch/shrink sector.
Comments :
-The SE acts as a sort of anchor point for the movement.
-Set relative alignment (R key) on sector floor/ceiling to make them move with the sector.
-Use GPSpeed Lo-Tag for distance to stretch/shrink (1024 = Largest grid square). The default distance of the effect is equivalent to using a GPSpeed with a value of 256.
-Use MusicAndSFX for sound (Hi-Tag = Stop sound, Lo-Tag = Start sound).
-Compatible with Activator and MasterSwitch.
-Stretching/Shrinking Sectors can only carry 'active' sprites (and of course the 10 intangible special sprites) without causing issues. The sprites should be in close proximity to the SE to ensure that they will move with the sector in both directions.


Used to make a floor rise or a ceiling drop to the height of the SE sprite when activated. This effect was not used in the game.
Hi-Tag : Channel. Set equal to others to activate simultaneously.
Sector Lo-Tag : 28
Angle : [Up] = Drop ceiling. [Down] = Raise floor.
Comments :
-This effect will only activate once.
-Requires a GPSpeed with a Lo-Tag value which affects both the speed of the effect and the delay before it occurs. The GPSpeed value must be greater than 0 and less than 128. A missing GPSpeed or invalid value causes the sector to rise/fall infinitely after a long delay.
-Use MusicAndSFX for sound (Hi-Tag = "Deactivation" sound, Lo-Tag = Activation sound). The "deactivation" sound is just a technicality: The sound will play, but the floor/ceiling will not move again.
-Compatible with Activator and MasterSwitch (either way it only activates once).


Used as a ceiling-type door with teeth prongs. This effect was not used in the game.
Hi-Tag : Channel. Set equal to Hi-Tag of door sector.
Sector Hi-Tag : Channel. Set equal to all SE 22 Hi-Tags.
Sector Lo-Tag : Set door sector Lo-Tag to 29.
Comments :
-This effect can develop problems. Never interrupt the door while it's operating. For best results, use with a switch and Activator, and do not step under the door while it's closing.
-If you want the prongs to match up perfectly with the ceiling after every door operation, you will need to lower all of the prong floors by an exact amount of units. I have devised a prong depth formula to deduce the amount of units you must lower each prong floor: (DoorHeight / 4) + DoorHeight + 2.25. DoorHeight is measured in PGUP/PGDN units. The solution to this formula is how many times you must press PGDN on each prong floor. If you are using Build, just round off the remaining decimal values. Of course, the prongs won't match up perfectly with the ceiling in the case of rounded values.
-To make the door initially closed, lower the door and prong ceilings completely.
-To make the door initially open, raise the door and prong ceilings to 1 unit below the surrounding ceiling. An open door also requires an additional formula to keep the prongs matched up with the ceiling after the door is operated: (DoorLoweredUnits X 1.25) + 2.25. DoorLoweredUnits is the number of PGUP/PGDN units the door's ceiling has been lowered (usually 1 unit). The solution to this formula is how many times you must press PGDN on each prong ceiling starting from the door's current ceiling height. If you are using Build, just round off the remaining decimal values.
-Use MusicAndSFX for sound (Hi-Tag = Stop sound, Lo-Tag = Start sound).
-Compatible with Activator, ActivatorLocked, and MasterSwitch.
-It is possible to use separate GPSpeed sprites in the door and prong sectors. Oddly enough, the default speed of both the door and prongs is equivalent to using GPSpeed sprites with values of 256 (even though the prongs move much faster than the door).


Used as a one-way teleporter destination.
Hi-Tag : Channel. Set equal to teleporter entrance (SE 7) Hi-Tag.
Angle : Determines which direction the player will be facing upon exiting the teleporter.
SE 7 Palette : [0] = Standard. [>0] = Teleporter won't play SFX or flash when used.
Comments :
-Move the SE sprite to the exact location (and optionally the height) at which you want the player to exit.
-The entrance and destination teleporters do not have to be the same size or shape.
-Standard/One-Way Teleporters allow "telefragging" of other players who happen to be within the destination sector at the time of teleportation, whether or not they are touching the floor of the sector. The destination sector(s) should be reasonably small to avoid unintentional telefragging accidents.
-This type of teleporter will not impose a delay on objects attempting to pass through it in quick succession. A player's movement will not be momentarily halted after passing through this type of teleporter.
-This type of teleporter can also be used to create One-Way Submergible Water.


Used to carry sprites ('active' or 'inactive') along the floor.
Hi-Tag : Channel. Set equal to a switch to be toggled by.
Angle : Set to direction to carry objects.
Comments :
-The texture's direction of movement depends on its relative alignment (R key), and how it's flipped (F key).
-Use GPSpeed Lo-Tag to set the rate of movement. The default speed of the effect is equivalent to using a GPSpeed with a value of 256.
-Conveyor belt is active by default, regardless of the switch sprite's initial status.
-This effect is not compatible with Touchplates.
-Conveyor belts can also carry sprites that are floating a few Z-units above the floor (up to a Z co-ordinate distance value of 4095 exactly, just under 4 Z-units)!
-It is possible to use multiple conveyor belt SE sprites within the same sector. The direction and speed of each individual conveyor belt effect will be combined to determine the final result. This is most useful when different combinations of the SE sprites can be toggled by switches, allowing the conveyor belt to shift through virtually any speed and/or direction of movement. If there are multiple GPSpeed sprites within the sector, it seems that only one will affect the SE sprites (which one is probably determined by sprite number, but I am not certain about this). Don't forget that SE 34 always runs at half the speed of SE 24 (even when affected by a GPSpeed sprite), which is useful for creating speed offsets. The conveyor belt texture will react to changes in speed. Unfortunately, the texture will not react to changes in direction, but there are methods of hiding this (for example, by using a blank texture that you can't tell is moving).


Used as a piston that cycles vertically.
Hi-Tag : Channel. Set equal to a switch to be toggled by (not recommended).
Comments :
-SE sprite height determines initial height of piston.
-Ceiling height determines maximum height of piston before returning to ground.
-Use GPSpeed Lo-Tag to set rate of motion. The default speed of the effect is equivalent to using a GPSpeed with a value of 256.
-Piston is active by default, regardless of the switch sprite's initial status. The "activated"/"deactivated" messages will always be swapped incorrectly.


Used to carry 'active' sprites along the floor. The sector 'cycles' by raising its floor height about 2 Z-units and shifting its physical position 1 grid size 3 unit in the direction of movement, and then quickly reverting to its default position. By using multiple instances of this effect in series, one can create a rough travelling escalator effect. This effect clearly has some problems and was not used in the game. Some people have used it before, but I've never been arsed to do it. I think a series of raised conveyor belts could do a better job of it anyway.
Angle : Set to direction to carry 'active' sprites.
Shade : [0] = Ascending escalator floor (raises from default height). [>0] = Descending escalator floor (lowers from default height).
Comments :
-Set relative alignment (R key) on sector floor/ceiling to make them move with the sector (only the floor is recommended).
-This effect has a fixed rate of movement.
-To make the travelling escalator effect as smooth as possible, keep it "self-contained": Do not attach the escalator to any other walls or sectors, and build the "front" of the escalator 1 grid size 3 unit away from the nearest wall. This will prevent the escalator from tugging at other walls, and from shifting through another sector causing the escalator to flicker/disappear.
-The escalator can only carry 'active' sprites without causing issues. The sprites tend to 'hop' along the surface of the escalator, due to its cycling floor height. It looks quite comical actually. Technically speaking though, this effect has absolutely no restrictions for sprite compatibility. In fact, it's probably one of the most compatible effects in the game as far as sprite compatibility goes. I would guess this is because the effect was unfinished, and hence the sprite restrictions were not coded. After some basic testing, I was unable to find even a single sprite that was not compatible with this effect.
-Like the conveyor belt, it is possible to use multiple escalator SE sprites within the same sector. The direction, speed, and cycling floor height of each individual escalator effect will be combined to determine the final result. The sector's cycling floor height being combined turns out to be a coincidental benefit, as it allows you to maintain a consistent default floor height.


Used as a camera position to record a third-person perspective of game demos.
Hi-Tag : Set to maximum distance for the camera to view player action (2048 equals largest grid square).
Comments :
-Camera does not work well with extreme heights.
-Don't let two demo cameras "see" each other.
-Demo cameras cannot display mirrors.
-If you want, you can assign the SectorEffector a palette value to make it easily distinguishable from other SectorEffectors (I usually use a palette value of 10).


Used to create lightning effect in an area of 10000 units. On random activation will flash linked lightning bolt sprites and start SFX.
Hi-Tag : Channel. Set equal to Hi-Tag of lightning bolt sprite(s) (#4890).


Used to make a sector float like water or waves.
Hi-Tag : Set to the desired phase offset value (0-2047). This determines the initial phase offset of the sector floor's Z height oscillation, and is used to offset floating sectors in order to create a travelling wave effect. Basically it determines the sector floor's initial height.
Sector Lo-Tag : [0] = Solid floor. [1] = Above-water sector (wave).
Comments :
-The height of the SE determines the sector floor's centered height.
-Use GPSpeed Lo-Tag to set the amplitude of the floating sector floor (0-32767). This is the maximum height displacement the wave can reach in either direction. A value of 256 equals an oscillation of one Z-unit (one PGUP/PGDN keypress) both up and down, for a total range of two Z-units, and is the default value used if no GPSpeed is present in the floating sector. This value is strange in that it does not match the actual Z-unit measurement of 1024 units per PGUP/PGDN keypress.
-A floating sector with greater or less than four walls will be free-floating.
-A floating sector with exactly four walls will attach the wall opposite from its first wall to the adjacent sector (first walls are set with Alt + F).
-To create a travelling wave effect, use multiple four-sided floating sectors adjacent to each other, with identically-set first walls, and incremental SE phase shift values. The GPSpeed amplitude values can be either constant or incremental, for a calm or turbulent wave effect respectively. Start the travelling wave with a free-floating 'buffer' wave sector, so it will not attach itself to the surrounding floor (just insert an extra vertex on the wave sector to define it as free-floating while still maintaining a rectangular shape). Alternatively, a rough travelling wave effect can be created by replacing the four-sided waves with free-floating waves, in which case the first walls can be ignored.
-It is not a requirement to use multiple floating sectors. The effect can be used individually.
-Floating sectors can be submergible, but the effect will not be seen from underwater.


Used as a train car that travels between Locator A and Locator B.
Hi-Tag : This does not affect the train itself, what it does is define a base Channel value to link the train SE to the optional Activators (Activator B to be precise). Activator A is then defined as this base Channel value + 1 (entirely separate from the Channel used for the train Activator). So technically you can use any value you want for the train SE Hi-Tag Channel (shared with Activator B), and then just add 1 to that value to define Activator A. As you may have noticed, this can be rather confusing, hence this whole technicality was never explained in any documentation, opting simply for some variation of "Train Activator is reference Channel. Activator A = Channel+2, and Activator B = Channel+1". This definition is honestly simpler and more concise, and I completely agree with its preference, which is why I now encourage you to ignore everything I just said and go with that instead.
Sector Lo-Tag : The train and all nested sectors within must be set to 31.
Angle : Set to direction of Locator A. The train will travel in this direction to find Locator A. The train will travel in the exact opposite direction to find Locator B. This is not limited to horizontal or vertical angles.
Comments :
-This effect has a fixed rate of movement.
-Set relative alignment (R key) on train floor/ceiling to make them move with the train.
-Tag Locator A [0,1] and Locator B [0,0] (for some reason, 3D Realms always tagged Locator A [1,1]).
-Place an Activator in the train (within the sector containing the SE) and link it to a switch or Touchplate to activate the train. This will be the reference Channel value. A MasterSwitch will only operate the train once.
-The train can trigger Activators set as A and B when it arrives at/departs from each respective Locator. Activator A = Channel+2, and Activator B = Channel+1. Note that you could plug one or both of those Activators into the train itself to create a 'self-oscillating' train effect.
-The Two-Way Train's ability to activate other effects makes it a perfect candidate for creating 'timed' effects (airlocks for example). This is done by setting up a train which the player will never see, and linking it to the Activators you wish to 'time'. The length of the track determines the amount of time before an effect is activated.
-The train can also trigger ActivatorLocked sprites, but under conventional methods they will not 'alternate' properly (they will both unlock/lock together). This happens because one of them is not initially unlocked to offset them from each other. Also, the "unlocked"/"locked" messages will not be displayed, which can actually be a very unique benefit of using this effect to unlock/lock things.
-The train can not trigger MasterSwitch sprites.
-Use MusicAndSFX to set activation sounds (Hi-Tag = Travelling to Locator B sound, Lo-Tag = Travelling to Locator A sound). It must be placed within the same sector as the SE in order to work.
-The train will only travel in a straight line (this includes diagonals), regardless of the Locators' positions.
-The train does not necessarily have to start between Locators A and B.
-The train requires distance to gain momentum or else it will stop prematurely. Don't make the track too short, and construct the train initially closer to Locator B.
-The Two-Way Train must be contained within the track sector, and the track cannot be split into multiple sectors. The track sector is still allowed to be complex, the important thing is that both of the Locators are contained within the same sector.
-All nested sectors in the train must be contained within a single bounding sector containing the SE. The nested sectors must not interfere with the bounding sector's bordering walls, i.e. Do not split the bounding sector into multiple parts. Check the original maps for examples.
-Sprites will only move with the train if they are within the bounding sector containing the SE. Two-Way Trains can carry any sprite regardless of relative alignment or position, and no jittering glitches will occur.
-You cannot control the speed of a Two-Way Train.
-Vehicles cannot move up or down slopes.
-You cannot place Recon Patrol Vehicles and Subway Vehicles/Two-Way Trains in the same map.


Used to raise/lower sector floor when activated.
Hi-Tag : Delay before floor movement (a value of 30 = 1 second). The delay doesn't take effect until the floor has been activated once, hence this will only work with an Activator.
Angle : [Up] = Start at floor height, raise to SE height. [Down] = Start at SE height, lower to floor height.
Comments :
-Use GPSpeed Lo-Tag to set rate of movement. The default speed of the effect is equivalent to using a GPSpeed with a value of 256. If the height between the sector floor and the SE is not an exact multiple of this speed value, truncation will occur and the floor will not reach the correct height. The formula is (Height/Speed) * Speed = Z units to move (1024 units is equivalent to one PGUP/PGDN keypress). The value of the division is truncated, which is the source of the problem. This bug seems to have been fixed in EDuke32.
-Use MusicAndSFX for sound (Hi-Tag = Stop sound, Lo-Tag = Start sound).
-Compatible with Activator and MasterSwitch. The MasterSwitch only activates once, and it changes the MusicAndSFX function (Lo-Tag = Stop sound).
-Set Activator/MasterSwitch equal to a switch or Touchplate to be activated by.
-SE 31 and SE 32 are an example of effects that can be used simultaneously in the same sector.


Used to raise/lower sector ceiling when activated.
Angle : [Up] = Start at ceiling height, lower to SE height. [Down] = Start at SE height, raise to ceiling height.
Comments :
-When the SE is angled down, the effect doesn't seem to raise to the exact ceiling height. This is also affected by speed: The slower the speed, the more accurate it will be, and vice versa.
-Use GPSpeed Lo-Tag to set rate of movement. The default speed of the effect is equivalent to using a GPSpeed with a value of 256.
-Use MusicAndSFX for sound (Hi-Tag = Stop sound, Lo-Tag = Start sound).
-Compatible with Activator and MasterSwitch. The MasterSwitch only activates once, and it changes the MusicAndSFX function (Lo-Tag = Stop sound).
-Set Activator/MasterSwitch equal to a switch or Touchplate to be activated by.
-SE 31 and SE 32 are an example of effects that can be used simultaneously in the same sector.


Used to spawn metal and rock debris from SE sprite's position during an earthquake.
Comments :
-Debris will be spawned whenever an earthquake occurs anywhere on the map.


Works exactly the same as a conveyor belt (SE 24) except it apparently runs at half the speed, even when used with a GPSpeed sprite (refer to SE 24 for details).


The drill has some minor graphical issues. This effect makes a sector ceiling lower into the ground and then shoot back up causing silent explosions and debris to spawn. You can use it in combination with Rotating Sectors to create a drill head.
Comments :
-The floor will start approximately 8 Z-units below the SE sprite's height. The drill ceiling cycle peaks at approximately 8 Z-units above and below the SE sprite's height.
-Use GPSpeed Lo-Tag to set rate of motion. The default speed of the effect is equivalent to using a GPSpeed with a value of 256.
-If the ceiling is sloped and the floor is not, the slope will 'dig' through the floor and spawn more debris. It doesn't seem to work the other way around.


Used to spawn a shot from the SE sprite's position approximately every 5 seconds when activated.
Angle : Set to desired direction of trajectory.
Comments :
-Compatible with Activator and MasterSwitch. The MasterSwitch only activates once and cannot be turned off.
-Set Activator/MasterSwitch equal to a switch or Touchplate to be activated by.
-Use MusicAndSFX for sound (Hi-Tag = Deactivation sound, Lo-Tag = Activation sound). This only works with an Activator.
-Use GPSpeed Lo-Tag to set projectile type (identified by texture number) (this effect does not have an automatic default value):
[940] (BOUNCEMINE) = Bounce Mine (inverse lobbed/floats upwards, tracks player distance).
[1360] (COOLEXPLOSION1) = Octabrain Blast (tracks player distance/height).
[1625] (FIRELASER) = Assault Trooper Laser (tracks player distance/height).
[1636] (SPIT) = Enforcer Spit (lobbed, tracks player distance/height).
[1641] (FREEZEBLAST) = Freeze Ray (auto-aims at player regardless of SE angle, tracks player distance/height).
[1650] (MORTER) = Mortar Shell (lobbed, tracks player distance).
[2296] (BLOODSPLAT1) = Blood Splat 1 (must be near wall, automatically spawns as wall-aligned, harmless to player, inaudible).
[2297] (BLOODSPLAT3) = Blood Splat 3 (must be near wall, automatically spawns as wall-aligned, harmless to player, inaudible).
[2298] (BLOODSPLAT2) = Blood Splat 2 (must be near wall, automatically spawns as wall-aligned, harmless to player, inaudible).
[2299] (BLOODSPLAT4) = Blood Splat 4 (must be near wall, automatically spawns as wall-aligned, harmless to player, inaudible).
[2448] (GROWSPARK) = Expander Ray (tracks player distance/height).
[2521] (KNEE) = Duke's Mighty Foot (close-range only, inaudible/invisible).
[2536] (CHAINGUN) = Chaingun Hitscan Projectile (tracks player distance/height, invisible).
[2556] (SHRINKER) = Shrink Ray (does not track player at all).
[2563] (HANDHOLDINGLASER) = Laser Tripbomb (close-range only, SE must be placed near wall).
[2595] (SHOTSPARK1) = Generic Hitscan Projectile (tracks player distance/height, invisible).
[2605] (RPG) = RPG (auto-aims at player regardless of SE angle, tracks player distance/height).
[2613] (SHOTGUN) = Shotgun Hitscan Projectile (tracks player distance/height, invisible).
-Aside from the Octabrain Blast and Laser Tripbomb, none of the projectiles play their initial firing sound effects.
-The Freeze Ray projectile will still bounce off of walls as usual.
-The Shrink Ray and Assault Trooper Laser projectiles will still bounce off of mirrors as usual.


This range of SectorEffector Lo-Tag values, and the internally-defined FOF (#13) texture, were intended for a true Floor-Over-Floor effect, which was left unfinished. It is not at all functional, but I suspect that much of the code for it survived into the Atomic Edition, so I am merely making note of it.


According to the source code, this effect was at one point intended to control glass breakage. It was clearly left unfinished, because its only remaining effect is to increment wall 0's overtile value by 1, and then shed all of wall 0's cstat flag values (except 2/4/8/128 which will remain untouched). If wall 0 happens to be two-sided, these changes will affect both sides. This all takes place instantaneously, making this effect completely useless (since the wall could just be set to the desired values explicitly beforehand).


This undocumented effect works exactly the same as Fireworks (SE 131) except it lasts about twice as long, spawns explosions about twice as big, and spawns them about twice as often (refer to SE 131 for details).


This undocumented effect 'bounces' between the floor and ceiling, while spawning tiny silent explosions. These explosions appear at slightly varying angles and locations from the source position. The effect is triggered immediately when the map starts, and doesn't last very long, making it fairly useless. However, it could potentially be used alongside other effects in an introductory sequence.



Causes the sector floor to act as water. If used with an SE 7 sprite, it will connect to the below-water sector with ST 2 (refer to SE 7 for details).


Defines a sector as being underwater. If used with an SE 7 sprite, it will connect to the above-water sector with ST 1 (refer to SE 7 for details). The player's view will have a blue tint while in an underwater sector.


Allows BOSS2 (better known as Boss 3, the Cycloid Emperor) to roam in the sector. This sector tag was left undocumented. It was most likely coded to stop the Boss from roaming onto the bleachers in E3L9.MAP: "Stadium". Technically, this restriction does not apply if you give the Boss a palette value of anything greater than 0, but then it becomes a Mini-Boss, which is utterly useless since the game will only give an Overlord or Cycloid Emperor Mini-Boss 1 hit point.


A door that opens by spreading apart (as in Star Trek). The wall textures will squish when the door is opened.
Comments :
-Star Trek doors are required to be dual-doors.
-Use GPSpeed Lo-Tag to set door speed. The default speed of the effect is equivalent to using a GPSpeed with a value of 256.
-Use MusicAndSFX for sound. Either the Hi-Tag or Lo-Tag can be used, but the Hi-Tag will take priority if both are used together.
-The door's activation sound will play twice, once while opening and once when finished. The second time is undoubtedly louder. If both the Hi-Tag and Lo-Tag are set on the MusicAndSFX, the volume level of the Hi-Tag seems to balance out.
-Compatible with Activator, ActivatorLocked, and MasterSwitch.


Used as an elevator that transports from one elevator shaft to another to simulate a true floor-over-floor elevator (refer to SE 17 for details).


Used to lower the sector floor from current height down to the next floor. On next activation, the sector floor will rise back up again.
Comments :
-Interchangeable with SE 17.
-Use MusicAndSFX for sound (Hi-Tag = Stop sound, Lo-Tag = Start sound).
-Use GPSpeed Lo-Tag to set rate of movement. The default speed of the effect is equivalent to using a GPSpeed with a value of 256.
-Compatible with Activator, ActivatorLocked, and MasterSwitch.
-If a player begins a map touching an elevator sector floor, the elevator will be automatically triggered.


Used to raise the sector floor from current height up to the next floor. On next activation, the sector floor will drop back down again.
Comments :
-Interchangeable with SE 16.
-Use MusicAndSFX for sound (Hi-Tag = Stop sound, Lo-Tag = Start sound).
-Use GPSpeed Lo-Tag to set rate of movement. The default speed of the effect is equivalent to using a GPSpeed with a value of 256.
-Compatible with Activator, ActivatorLocked, and MasterSwitch.
-If a player begins a map touching an elevator sector floor, the elevator will be automatically triggered.


Used to lower the sector floor and ceiling from current height down to the next floor. On next activation, the sector will rise back up again.
Comments :
-Interchangeable with SE 19.
-Use MusicAndSFX for sound (Hi-Tag = Stop sound, Lo-Tag = Start sound).
-Use GPSpeed Lo-Tag to set rate of movement. The default speed of the effect is equivalent to using a GPSpeed with a value of 256.
-Compatible with Activator, ActivatorLocked, and MasterSwitch.
-If a player begins a map touching an elevator sector floor, the elevator will be automatically triggered.


Used to raise the sector floor and ceiling from current height up to the next floor. On next activation, the sector will drop back down again.
Comments :
-Interchangeable with SE 18.
-Use MusicAndSFX for sound (Hi-Tag = Stop sound, Lo-Tag = Start sound).
-Use GPSpeed Lo-Tag to set rate of movement. The default speed of the effect is equivalent to using a GPSpeed with a value of 256.
-Compatible with Activator, ActivatorLocked, and MasterSwitch.
-If a player begins a map touching an elevator sector floor, the elevator will be automatically triggered.


Used to raise and lower the sector ceiling between floor level and the height of the adjoining sector ceiling.
Comments :
-Use MusicAndSFX for sound (Hi-Tag = Stop sound, Lo-Tag = Start sound).
-Use GPSpeed Lo-Tag to set rate of movement. The default speed of the effect is equivalent to using a GPSpeed with a value of 256.
-Compatible with Activator, ActivatorLocked, and MasterSwitch.


Used to raise and lower the sector floor between ceiling level and the height of the adjoining sector floor.
Comments :
-Use MusicAndSFX for sound (Hi-Tag = Stop sound, Lo-Tag = Start sound).
-Use GPSpeed Lo-Tag to set rate of movement. The default speed of the effect is equivalent to using a GPSpeed with a value of 256.
-Compatible with Activator, ActivatorLocked, and MasterSwitch.
-This type of door closes instantaneously if it is triggered again while opening.


Used as a combination of the ceiling door and floor door. The upper and lower halves split apart when opened, and seal together when closed.
Comments :
-Use MusicAndSFX for sound (Hi-Tag = Stop sound, Lo-Tag = Start sound).
-Use GPSpeed Lo-Tag to set rate of movement. The default speed of the effect is equivalent to using a GPSpeed with a value of 256.
-Compatible with Activator, ActivatorLocked, and MasterSwitch.


Used to swing the sector 90 degrees around its SE 11 pivot point when activated (refer to SE 11 for details).


I would assume this was supposed to be some sort of door (because it's among the door sector Lo-Tags). It doesn't appear to be coded.


Used as a door which slides into the wall when opened (refer to SE 15 for details).


Used as a combination of both the Star Trek Door (ST 9) and the Split Door (ST 22).
Comments :
-Construct the door as if it were a Star Trek Door, then raise the floor and lower the ceiling until they meet in the middle.
-Use GPSpeed Lo-Tag to set door speed. The default speed of the effect is equivalent to using a GPSpeed with a value of 256.
-Use MusicAndSFX for sound. Either the Hi-Tag or Lo-Tag can be used.
-Technically speaking, the door's activation sound will play four times. As long as the combined doors open square and evenly, only two sounds should be discernable. The Star Trek Door's completion sound is undoubtedly the loudest. If both the Hi-Tag and Lo-Tag are set on the MusicAndSFX, the Hi-Tag should take priority, but sometimes the Lo-Tag sound may get through. It's recommended to only make use of one Tag for the activation sound.
-Compatible with Activator, ActivatorLocked, and MasterSwitch.


Used to stretch or shrink a sector when activated (refer to SE 20 for details).


Used to make a floor rise or a ceiling drop to the height of the SE sprite when activated (refer to SE 21 for details).


Used as a ceiling-type door with teeth prongs (refer to SE 22 for details).


Used to rotate the sector 90 degrees around a pivot point and raise the floor to the height of the SE 0 sprite. Use SE 1 as the pivot point for the sector.
SE 0 & SE 1 Hi-Tags : Channel.
SE 0 Angle : [Down] = Use SE 1 as pivot point (recommended). [Up] = Use SE 0 as pivot point.
SE 0 Palette : [0] = Anticlockwise. [>0] = Clockwise.
Comments :
-Set relative alignment (R key) on sector floor/ceiling to make them move with the sector.
-Rotate-Rise Sectors can only carry 'active' sprites (and of course the 10 intangible special sprites) without causing issues, and only if the floor's relative alignment is set (with the R key). However, they can also carry 'inactive' sprites so long as the sprites are situated directly on the sector's pivot point, and the sector does not rise. 'Active' sprites which are affected by gravity will always follow the floor's vertical movement, regardless of the floor's relative alignment status. Also, 'active' sprites tend to slowly deviate from their original position as they move with the sector rotation, although they will still be technically considered as being in the same sector even after they've strayed outside its boundaries.
-Use MusicAndSFX for sound (Hi-Tag = Stop sound, Lo-Tag = Start sound).
-Use GPSpeed Lo-Tag to set rotation speed (rise speed cannot be modified). Changing the speed affects the amount of rotation as well. The default speed of the effect is equivalent to using a GPSpeed with a value of 256, which is exactly 90 degrees, meaning 1024 would be a full 360 degree rotation. Some rather extreme values are possible (up to 32767).
-Compatible with Activator and MasterSwitch. An ActivatorLocked will cause the sector to rotate until unlocked. While unlocked, the sector slowly creeps away from its home position, only to return when locked again.


Used as a vehicle that travels between Locator A and Locator B (refer to SE 30 for details).


Used to play a sound one time when the player enters the sector. Assign the sector a Lo-Tag of 10000 + SoundNumber.


Defines a sector as a secret place which will be counted in the end-level tally.


When the player enters the sector, the message "We're gonna fry your ass, Nukem!" is displayed and the level will end. The message can be modified in the USER.CON file (quote #102). This sector tag was left undocumented, though it was fairly well-known regardless.
Sector Hi-Tag : Sound number to play (sound #198 corresponds with the default message).
Comments :
-Compatible with ActivatorLocked, although it works in reverse: "Locking" the sector enables its function, while "unlocking" it disables it. The sector is "locked" by default.


Ends the level when the player enters the sector.
Comments :
-Compatible with ActivatorLocked, although it works in reverse: "Locking" the sector enables its function, while "unlocking" it disables it. The sector is "locked" by default.

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