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References - Program Parameters

Program Parameters

These are the parameters you can feed the programs from a command prompt, very useful for booting them with specific instructions and getting into the game quicker. These parameter lists are taken directly from the programs, with a few edits. If you want to view the most up-to-date lists for EDuke32/Mapster32, just open them from a command prompt with the parameter -?, -help, or --help. Note that in EDuke32/Mapster32, the forward slash (/) can be used interchangeably in place of the hyphen (-) for all parameters, but in the original game the syntax must appear strictly as shown.

EDuke32 Parameters

Usage: EDUKE32 [OPTIONS] [FILES] (GRP files that are compressed with ZIP/PK3/PK4 will also be valid)

-cfg <file.cfg> Use an alternate configuration file
-clipmap <> Load an additional clipping map for use with clipshape
-connect <host> Connect to a Multiplayer game
-c# Multiplayer mode: 1 = DukeMatch (spawn), 2 = Co-Operative, 3 = DukeMatch (no spawn)
-d <file.edm or demo#> Play a demo
-g <file.grp>, -grp <file.grp> Load additional game data
-h <file.def> Load an alternate definitions file
-j <dir> Adds a directory to EDuke32's search list
-l# Warp to level (1-11)
-map <> Load map <>*
-mh <file.def> Include an additional definitions module
-mx <file.con> Include an additional CON script module
-m Disable monsters
-nam Run in NAM compatibility mode
-napalm Run in NAPALM compatibility mode
-nosetup Disables startup configuration window
-rts <file.rts> Load a custom RemoteRidicule sound bank
-r Record demo
-s# Set skill level (1-4)
-server Start a Multiplayer game for other players to join
-setup Enables startup configuration window
-t# Respawn mode: 1 = Monsters, 2 = Items, 3 = Inventory, x = All
-usecwd Read game data and configuration file from working directory
-u########## User's favourite weapon order (default: 3425689071)
-v# Warp to volume (1-4)
-ww2gi Run in WWII GI compatibility mode
-x <file.con> Load custom CON script (default: GAME.CON)
-# Load and run a game from slot (0-9)
-?, -help, --help Displays these parameters
-debughelp Displays debug parameters

Debug Parameters
-a Use fake player AI (fake Multiplayer only, see -q)
-cachesize <#> Sets cache size, in KB (default: 24.0 MB)
-condebug Enable line-by-line CON compile debugging (verbosity set to level 1)
-conversion <YYYYMMDD> Selects CON script version for compatibility with older mods
-game_dir <dir> Duke3d_w32 compatibility option, see -j
-gamegrp <file.grp> Selects which file to use as main group file
-name <name> Use <name> as Multiplayer name
-nm Disable music
-noautoload Disable loading content from the autoload directory
-nodinput Disable DirectInput (joystick) support
-nologo Skip the logo animation
-ns Disable sound
-q# Fake Multiplayer with (2-8) players
-rotatesprite-no-widescreen Pass bit 1024 to all CON rotatesprite calls
-w Display co-ordinates in-game
-z# Enable line-by-line CON compile debugging (verbosity set to level 1 or 2)
-Lopts=<opt1>,<opt2>,... Pass options to Lunatic, valid ones are: diag, nojit, traces, dump, strict

Mapster32 Parameters

Usage: MAPSTER32 [OPTIONS] [FILES] (GRP files that are compressed with ZIP/PK3/PK4 will also be valid)

<> Load map <> in editor*
-g <file.grp>, -grp <file.grp> Load extra group file <file.grp>
-h <file.def> Load an alternate definitions file <file.def>
-x <file.con> Load a custom CON script for getting sound definitions (default GAME.CON)
-mh <file.def> Include additional definitions module
-mx <file.con> Include additional CON module for getting sound definitions
-j <dir>, -game_dir <dir> Adds a directory to the file path stack (search list)
-cachesize Sets cache size, in KB (default: 24.0 MB)
-check Enables map pointer checking when saving
-clipmap <> Load an additional clipping map for use with clipshape
-namesfile <file.h> Load a custom names file for tile names
-nocheck Disables map pointer checking when saving (default)
-setup Displays the configuration dialog
-usecwd Read game data and configuration file from working directory
-?, -help, --help Displays these parameters

Duke3D Parameters

Usage: DUKE3D [/flags...]

?, /? This help message
/l## Level (1-11)
/v# Volume (1-4)
/s# Skill (1-4)
/r Record demo
/d<file.dmo> Start to play demo <file.dmo>
/m No monsters
/ns No sound
/nm No music
/t# Respawn mode: 1 = Monsters, 2 = Items, 3 = Inventory, x = All
/c# Multiplayer mode: 1 = DukeMatch (spawn), 2 = Co-Operative, 3 = DukeMatch (no spawn)
/q# Fake Multiplayer (2-8 players)
/a Use player AI (fake Multiplayer only)
/i# Network mode (1/0) (Multiplayer only) (default == 1)
/f# Send fewer packets (1,2,4) (Multiplayer only)
/g<file>, /g... Use multiple group files (must be last on command line)
/x<file.con> Compile <file.con> (default GAME.CON)
/u########## User's favourite weapon order (default: 3425689071)
/# Load and run a game from slot (0-9)
/z Skip memory check
-map <> Load map <>*
-name <name> Forward <name>
-net Net mode game

Build Parameters


<> Load map <> in editor*

* These parameters can also be used to load an official map directly from the DUKE3D.GRP file (provided a map file with the same name does not already exist in the game's root directory). If the map is being loaded in an editor, it could then be saved to the game's root directory. However, it is strongly recommended to extract the maps using KEXTRACT instead, since the save operation of any map editor is virtually guaranteed to modify the map.

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